September 15, 2022 Meeting Reminder

Photos for meeting

11 members have sent me photos for the September 15 meeting slideshow.

I can always use more to show.


Will be taken at our September meeting. $12 for single, and $20 for family. Please bring some money.

Fontenelle Forest Display

Our next exhibit at the forest will be Animals of Fontenelle Forest.   Please bring prints to the Sept . meeting.  This includes all animals except raptors.  Don’t forget the little ones like insects, reptiles, amphibians, etc.

Bellevue Public Library Display

The new exhibit of Fountain photos is up at he Bellevue Public Library.  Stop by to see it.

In Closing…

Your club is in need of a president. Please Please consider volunteering to be our president

That is it. A short post. Mainly to remind you about the meeting.


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3 thoughts on “September 15, 2022 Meeting Reminder

  1. Hi Phil- is there a list of subjects for photo club & also for Fontenelle Forest.It would help us take pictures if we know what the subject is? I thought “old” was the subject that we brought pictures for at the Sept.meeting.The subject for FF is animals found in the Forest. How long do photos remain up @ the library & FF ? I appreciate you help

    • Hi Phil- I wanted to mention that when I joined the club the rules said that in order to go to advanced category I must win an award in the amateur catagory so that is why I submitted my photos there.

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