September 21, 2023

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting Minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Time:7:00 PM

  1. Welcome by Phil.

A Big Thank You to Phil Mininni, Kathleen Crawford-Rose and Donna Gray for their assistance with the contest (as well as Terry and Donna Turner) and the Photo Club throughout the year. They truly keep our club running smoothly.

Old Business:

Need President and Vice President for Photo Club please consider volunteering

If no one still does not want to volunteer for either position then the executive board would rotate conducting the meeting possibly beginning with Brent at the October meeting.

New Business:

PhotoClub dues are due this month (September)

Treat sign-up sheet- Passed around. We are short a few spots so will bring to next meeting.

Member Roster: review your contact information for accuracy. Not everyone checked off that their info was correct so will bring to next meeting to pass around again.

Need ideas from members for Future displays @ Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest.

Need member ideas for future Speaker/Programs for February, March and April 2024

  1. Attendees: 23
  2. New members: 1- Carmen Schroeder
  3. The photo club now has two displays for photo club members: The Bellevue Library & Fontenelle Forest
  4. Future exhibit: photos for the Bellevue Library display. Please bring to meeting. You may also drop off prints @ Kathleen’s house, 123 Bellevue Blvd S. or Phil’s house, 621 S. 51st Ave

Fontenelle Forest Exhibits: All photos for FF display must be taken at Fontenelle Forest or Neal Woods.

August/September/October: Raptor Photo- we have enough photos for two displays

November/December: Fall @ the Forest


Bellevue Library photo Exhibits:

September Meeting: Please bring Anything Green photos for Bellevue Library

Future Exhibits: Bring to October Meeting: “Midwest Scenic

  1. Input from current officers and committee members and helpers:

Photo Display Organizers- Judy and Frank Dye will be stepping down as chairs of the Photo Display Organizers for the club. “Thank You” so much to both of them for organizing the Photo Displays for the Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest over the years. The club truly appreciates all the time and effort you put into these displays,


Treasurer- Kathleen Crawford-Rose: Treasurer’s report: Income from dues $320.00

Expenses: 2 ribbons for members choice $53.28

Balance as of Sept 30, 2023 $858.55

Secretary- Mary Headley: Sue filled in for Mary

Member at large new board position: Andrea Kuhn volunteered to do this.

Photo Contest Organizer: Donna Gray

Webmaster- Phil Mininni

Brent Headley (helps webmaster and other volunteering)

  1. Speakers/Programs:

September 21: Members Photo: Summer Photos

October 19: Speaker-Jay Davis “From Camera to Prints”

November 16: Speaker-Aron from Rockbrook Camera-New equipment and gadgets from Rockbrook

December 21: Potluck- Members Photo

January 18, 2024: Mary program idea- Landscape photography? gentleman from Rockbrook Camera

February 15, 2024:

March 21, 2024:

April 18, 2024:

May 16, 2024: Raptor Shoot

June 20, 2024: Photo Contest Presentation

8. Emily Prauner from the Forest spoke about how they would be happy to promote our club in the Leaflet flyer and any other ways that may be suggested. Technology in the room is being updated in the Spring and new flooring will be updated in January so we will be at Camp Brewster for that meeting. The parking lot at Camp Brewster is being redone as of 9/21/23. Our gallery of photos is up and running. She did ask that we stack our chairs along the wall at the end of our meeting. The contract for our partnership with the Forest was signed that night.

Also, several of our members submitted photos for the Feather the Nest Forest fundraiser.

Door Prize drawing for members paying dues at September meeting- A beautiful cutting board made by Phil was donated for the prize and was won by: Alan Vrana

Members summer photos- Very nice slide show of 50 photos.

Treats (brought by): Dick Keefe and Kathleen Crawford-Rose

Submitted by Club Secretary:

Sue Mininni (filling in for Mary)