April 18, 2024

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting Minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Time:7:00 PM

Welcome by: Brent Headley

I. Old Business:

We are still rotating meeting duties with our board members.

Open Positions: We are in need of volunteers for the Photo Club -President, Vice President and Photo Display Organizer. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.

II. New Business:

  1. Need ideas from members for future displays @ Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest.
  2. Need member ideas for future Speakers/Programs this fall.
  3. Brent thanked Jean Lindfors and Terry & Donna Turner for treats tonight.
  4. Kathleen provided the treasury report: current balance $721.72. She reminded members the annual dues will increase beginning in September 2024. The cost will be $20 for single, $30 family. Photo club members must also be a member of Fontenelle Forest.
  5. Kathleen reminded member of the Raptor shoot @ Camp Brewster next month (May 16th). She mentioned the club has given a $300.00 donation in past years for the Raptors food and expenses and asked if the club would like to continue with this donation. Members voted to approve $300.00 donation for Raptors.
  6. Donna Gray remined members of the new approved photo contest guidelines. They will be posted on the website next week. If you have questions, please contact Donna Gray @ her email: djg618@yahoo.com. She will check with Bellevue University AV department about videotaping the contest critique @ the auditorium in June.
  7. Phil shared the photo club website page with members and talked about navigating through the site. The calendar on the website was discussed and Phil will come up with a solution for adding the photo club meeting to the calendar. He will post New 2024 Photo Contest rules on the website this week. Look for 2024 Contest Rules.
  8. Phil will be updating the slide photos on the club website. He asked members to provide 3-4 photos from “Spring in the Forest”.
  1. The Photo Club has two displays for its members. The Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest. A reminder: All photos for the FF display should be taken at Fontenelle Forest or Neal Woods or in nature that could or would be seen at the Fontenelle Forest. We are still in need of photos. Please bring you photos to the May meeting or drop off @ Phil or Kathleen’s home.

The current topics:

“Playing with Light: Reflections and Shadows” for the Bellevue Library

“Spring in the Forest” for Fontenelle Forest

  1. Exhibit photos for the Bellevue Library & FF displays may be brought to the monthly meetings. You may also drop off prints @ Kathleen’s house katcr@cox.net or Phil’s house philo.pm51@startmail.com. Please email either one for their address and a good time to drop off photos.

11. Attendees: 23

12. New members: Visitors Mike & Marsha both enjoy photography. They use Canon cameras

Rebel T7 and R50 models.

13. Tonight’s meeting featured photos from “Behind the scenes @ the Zoo” Thank you

Howard, Jason, Phil and Brent for sharing your experience and photos with the group.

III. Input from current officers and committee members and helpers

Open Positions: We are in need of volunteers for the Photo Club

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Photo Display Organizers

Photo Display Organizers: In need of volunteers to take over photo displays.

Treasurer- Kathleen Crawford-Rose:

Treasurer’s report:

Balance as of April 18, 2024- $721.72

Secretary- Mary Headley: Need a volunteer for treats @ the Raptor Shoot next month. Donna Gray volunteered.

Photo Contest Organizer: Donna Gray has returned in full capacity spearheading the photo contest.

This year’s contest will be as follows.

May 25thset up begins @ 10am

June 20thCritique by our judge which will be Jerred Zegelis

June 29th Take down of photos and pickup begins at 10am

Member at large: Andrea Kuhn

Webmaster- Phil Mininni: Working with Emily on links between us and FF for comments.

Brent Headley:(helps webmaster and with video at meetings and other volunteering)

IV. Speakers/Programs:

May 16, 2024: Raptor Shoot (Camp Brewster)

June 20, 2024: Photo Contest Presentation

Treats brought by: Jean Lindfors and Terry & Donna Turner

Submitted by Club Secretary: Mary Headley