Our next club meeting will be February 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the forest. Jeremy and Jerred will be our guest speakers. They were our judges for the 2024 photo contest.
To help them develop a program with our members in mind, they would like to have some questions by our members. Ask them about some specific issues you may have with post processing your photos. You can leave a comment below or email me at webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org . I will forward them on to Jerred and Jeremy. Please send as soon as you can. Thank you.

Meeting Schedule is FULL
We have speakers for the rest of the scheduled meetings for this year. Please check out the Calendar on our home page. The May meeting will be our raptor shoot at Camp Brewster.
Photo Displays
Forest______ Mammals of Fontenelle Forest
Bellevue Library_____ Sunrises and Sunsets (from anywhere)
Bring your photos to the February 20 meeting. They will be hung in March.