Don’t forget to come to our February 16 meeting. It is on a Thursday and starts at 7:00 PM. Brad Williams will be our guest speaker for this meeting. Hopefully there will be no snow to contend with. I hope to see everyone there.
About Brad Williams
The Short Story:
I am an Omaha, NE based Photographer who loves to photograph Landscapes, Cityscapes, Architecture, Wildlife, and Railroads. I strive to show every subject in its best light.
To see the long story check out Brad’s website .
Fontenelle Forest Photo Display changes
The Forest has started renovating the Baright Gallery. The forest has removed our display racks. They are storing them. Kathleen has taken the photos to her house and is storing them for now. We are being given the hallway walls leading into the big room we meet in. We need suggestions for our first display subject. How about “Spring in the Forest” or “Fontenelle Forest Tree Species”. And get a plan of how we will arrange them. We can use our contest sign till June. So do we need to order a new sign? Kathleen will tell us about the need to make a new one.
Treasurer’s Report
Jan. 31, 2023 Balance is $1178.59
We had no expenses or income.
Upcoming expenses will be from the December potluck. Please bring your receipts.
Tory Ewing sent us some info from NIKON.

Go to this link NIKON
NIKON Photo Contest
Short video about NIKON’s Contest
Go to this link Contest . Thanks Tory
Still need a President and Vice-President
Enough said on this.
Please comment below if I have forgotten anything, which is probable. Or bring it up at the meeting on Thursday.