Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2022

Location:Camp Brewster
Time:6:30 PM (At Camp Brewster for Raptor Shoot)

  1. Welcome by President Phil Mininni.
  2. At our June meeting we will need to elect new officers. Sue and I will not continue on as President and Secretary. I will continue as the webmaster. Maybe have a couple or two individuals be Co-Presidents. Just a thought.
  3. If you have any photos of the eclipse send to the webmaster and I will post them.
  4. Attendees: 25
  5. New members: Jason Bower

Judy and Frank: Bring photos of fountains to next meeting to display at the library.


Treasurer’s Report for May, 2022

Beginning Balance:   $1362.75

Donation to FF              300.00

Ending balance         $1062.75

Brent: Talked about organizing a trip with Ken Smith (Astrophotography). Upcoming “New Moon” dates are Tuesday June 28th, and Thursday July 28th.  Ken has calculated 2 viable date ranges: June 26 to July 3rd (not Saturday July 2nd); and July 24th to August 1st (not Saturday July 30th).  There needs to be no moon or below the horizon. Ken has church commitments on Sundays, which is why we don’t want to have an excursion late on Saturday night into early Sunday morning. We will be somewhere, far from civilization, late at night, in the dark, with no bathroom facilities. Something to think about. We will need to arrive before sunset to get set up and organized.  Dark conditions will be around 10:30 or 11:00pm until 4:00 or 4:30am.  Ken thinks most people would be ready leave by 12:30 or 1:00am.

Sue: None

Terry and Donna Turner: Photo Contest: Setup is Saturday May 28th from 10-12. Awards will be Thursday June 16th for our regular meeting held at Bellevue University. Take down of photos and pickup will be Saturday June 25th from 10-12. Watermarks or names are not allowed on the front of the photos. Jay Davis has agreed to be our Judge this year. Labels were available to pick up to put on your photos. Winning contest pictures will be displayed at the Bellevue Library.

Kathy Holm: None

  1. No treats tonight.
  2. Cathy from the Forest was presented with our $300 donation. She was very appreciative.
  3. Next month, June 16, 2022 the meeting will be at Bellevue University for our Photo Contest critique and awards.

Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni

If there are any corrections or additions please comment below.

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