Photos for September 15 meeting

It turns out I was unable to get a speaker for our September meeting. That means I need your photos you have taken this summer. Send me 3 or 4 of you favorite photos taken by you. Be prepared to discuss your photos with the club. Send them to Webmaster . You can copy and paste “”, without the quotes, in the send address bar in your mail program. We will view your pictures on the big screen at the forest. I have already received photos from some members.

Photo Display

Bellevue Library display has been changed out. Contest winners can pick up their photos at the September 15 meeting. Over the summer take pictures to submit when we return in September of Old Everything, Monument’s and Clouds.

Photo Contest

Richard Keefe send us a note about a photo contest from Birds and Blooms. It is short notice. If you have a photo stored somewhere… Go to their website,

For details and rules. The final closing date is August 31, 2022.

Summer Photo Shooting

What would a new post be without a video. It is short of 10 minutes.

See you all in September!


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